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Why are queen ants so big ?

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why are queen ants bigger than the rest of the ants?

Queen ants are bigger than the rest of the ants in the colony because the queen ants have a larger gaster which is the body part that holds the queen ants reproductive organs. The rest of the queen ants body parts are larger to accommodate the larger gaster.

why are ants so strong?

The reason ants can pick up such heavy weights in comparison to their own body weight is because their hard exoskeletons are super lightweight and their muscles are completely focused on lifting rather than supporting their body weight.

unlike most animals that use most of their muscles to support their body ants are completely designed for work and lifting weights.

why are ants so important to the environment?

Ants are very important to the worlds survival and ecosystem they are key members of the balance of nature and play an important part in the aeration and fertilization of the worlds soil.

Ants are important also in the food chain for many other creatures survival and the extinction of ants would have a drastic impact that goes far beyond what you may imagine the knock on effect if ants no longer existed would be catastrophic for the ecological balance ants are very important to the world.

why are ants so clever and smart ?

You may wonder how can a creature with such a little brain know exactly what to do to help the ant colony without even speaking to each other. Ants do communicate they even have parenting instincts to care for their babies and have a remarkable ability to navigate and know exactly where they are over massive distances.


So how do ants communicate i hear you ask ?

they use smells, a variety of chemical pheromones to talk to other ants which can provide a variety of signals like "follow me" or "don't go this way its muddy" ok maybe not so precise but you get the idea right? scientists can only learn so much from observation when it comes to how ants communicate but its clear the pheromones' are key to how ants talk to each other.

why are ants so aggressive why do ants bite and sting?

Ants only bite bad people.. just kidding the reason ants may bite a person or animal is usually when you pose a threat to the queen ant and the survival of the ant colony by being too close to their nest or food sources.

Remember they have tiny brains and are very basic in terms of territory and survival instincts so if you wonder into their space they are not going to care if its your garden or your kitchen because in their world its their food source and your in the way and your a possible food thief. Ants have survival instincts they don't go looking for humans to bite but they are more than happy to warn you off away from their space. 

whats the difference between flying ants and normal ants?

So why do ants fly and do all ants turn into flying ants ? no not all ant species have flying ants and the species of ants that do have wings are the ants that are in the mating phase.

all the flying ants you see that have wings are reproductive ants in the middle of their mating season. So to summarize flying ants are just normal ants with wings that are in breeding season. 

Why do ants carry other ants?

Ants will carry injured ants back to the safety of the nest, when an ant is injured or dying it lets out a signal using pheromones and other ants will come to rescue the injured ant. If you see 2 flying ants together then you should give them some privacy as they are mating and they would prefer you to look away.

which ants are most dangerous and deadly?

In some parts of the world with warmer climates and more tropical humid areas there are more predator's more competition for food and ants need a way to compete and survive. In these areas ants have evolved to defend themselves these include fire ants, bullet ants, jack jumper ants, dorylus ants, argentine ants, the bulldog ant and many more.

Most of these ants are venomous or just have an extremely painful bite or sting and shouldn't be petted for obvious reasons, even if you think you can be friends with one of these ants and you can tame it and make it like you, your going to end up crying and its your own fault for thinking everything wants to be your friend just leave them alone. 

which ants have more than one queen?

Many ant species have multiple queens and are known as  polygyne colonies the ant colonies that have only 1 queen are known as monogyne colonies.

Some of the species of ants that have multiple queens include Argentine ants, (oha) ants aka odorous house ants, pharaoh, ghost ants, tawny crazy ants, and black crazy ants. 

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