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Vitamin C facts and health benefits

Vitamin C health benefits

Vitamin C which is sometimes known by the names of ascorbic acid or ascorbate is one of the most important vitamins on earth, the list of health benefits from vitamin C is a very long list so get your reading glasses out for this list.

Vitamin C builds collagen in your skin

Vitamin C makes you look younger and here's why, without vitamin C your body is not capable of creating collagen and without the formation of collagen your skin will lose its elasticity and cause you to look much older than your actual age.


Make sure you are getting enough vitamin C in your diet to guarantee your body is producing enough collagen to keep your skin firm and elastic.

Vitamin C treats melasma and skin discoloration

Vitamin C can treat melasma which is dark spots or patches on the skin or abnormal pigmentation of the skin. Vitamin C is usually used in the form of a topical serum applied directly to the skin on the affected area as well as taking oral supplements of vitamin C to boost levels of vitamin C in the body helping to treat the condition.

Vitamin C treats and prevents scurvy

Scurvy is caused by a lack of vitamin C which will cause symptoms of weakness, tiredness, anemia, issues with skin and even gum disease.

The lack of vitamin C reduces the production of collagen in the body and because collagen is vital for the healthy function of connective tissues leading to all the unpleasant symptoms of scurvy.

No prizes for guessing how to treat scurvy then, yes more vitamin C in your diet will do the trick.

Vitamin C shortens the duration of the common cold

Although more research is needed the early results from the studies show supplementing with vitamin C will reduce the length of time that a person suffers from the common cold.

Not only does it make the cold virus last a shorter duration, but some research also suggests vitamin C can reduce the severity of the virus making symptoms of the virus easier to endure.

vitamin C supplementation for colorectal cancer

One study showed a very small positive correlation between supplementing with vitamin C and the prevention or treatment of colorectal cancer. Much more research is needed on the link between vitamin C and treating colorectal cancer at the present moment the best form of colorectal cancer prevention is to avoid alcohol and tobacco as well as plenty of cardio exercise.

vitamin C for treating urinary tract infection

Research suggests that regular supplementation of vitamin C can prevent the contraction of urinary tract infections. Vitamin C may help to reduce the risk of contracting urinary tract infection and help to ease the symptoms once the infection has already taken hold in the urinary tract. 100mg of vitamin c daily will help to prevent the infection.

vitamin C for treating acne

People who suffer from acne can use vitamin C in the form of a topical serum to reduce the soreness and redness of the skin condition as well as speed up the healing process of any open painful acne breakouts and reduce the swelling faster.


You can treat acne with vitamin C more effectively if you use both a topical serum or cream as well as supplementing with oral vitamin C tablets or dissolvable powders.

vitamin C for preventing dementia and Alzheimer's disease

Studies have shown that people with better brain function and better cognitive function typically have higher levels of vitamin C. Higer vitamin C levels are directly related to better brain function lower risk of cognitive function declining.


Studies have also shown a common correlation between people who have dementia and Alzheimer's disease typically having lower concentrations of vitamin C in their body.

vitamin C for preventing iron deficiency

One of the most common causes of iron deficiency is actually a lack of vitamin C in the diet. The reason for this is because vitamin C facilitates the absorption of iron. Taking vitamin C supplements along with iron supplements will speed up the absorption of iron into the body.

Vitamin C also helps to keep iron in its reduced ferrous state, whiles it is in this state it is more easily absorbed into the body.

vitamin C fights inflammation and chronic disease

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant capable of increasing the bloods antioxidant levels by up to 30% helping to fight free radicals and inflammation in the body as well as reduce the risk of contracting chronic diseases. 

vitamin C may help reduce high blood pressure

Vitamin C can help reduce high blood pressure because it is a diuretic and helps the kidneys to remove more salt and water from the body. When the body is able to release excess water and salt it reduces the pressure on the blood vessel walls which then reduces blood pressure.

There have also been successful animal studies showing vitamin C to reduce pressure on blood vessels that travel directly from the heart. (study)

vitamin C may treat gout

Gout is a type of arthritis which causes a large amount of pain most commonly in the big toe, it is caused by a buildup of uric acid in the blood which is a waste product in the body it can crystalize in the joints and cause gout.


vitamin C can reduce uric acid levels in the body therefore protect against the formation of gout. One study shows vitamin C supplements to lower the risk of getting gout by 44%. (study2)

vitamin C boosts your immune system

One of the most common reasons people take vitamin C supplements is because it is well known that vitamin C can help boost your immune system to fight off all sorts of outside invaders like viruses, germs, microbial toxins and bacteria.


Vitamin C boosts the immune system by improving the body's ability to produce white blood cells which are like the good soldiers of the immune system that fight off the baddies.

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