Interesting stuff
Blogs that make the most money
#10 is earning around £150,000 per month
Tuts is a popular site for people wanting to learn all sorts of things like how to animate a landscape painting in adobe or how to photoshop for beginners are just a couple of examples, they provide tutorials and paid training course's on a huge number of topics and have a market place where people can buy useful content and templates. There's a very good reason they make so much money and that's because what they offer is extremely useful to thousands of people every month and good content sells itself.
#9 Smashing Magazine £185,000 per month
Smashing magazine is a website dedicated to educating people once again it seems learning and knowledge is still one of the most valuable things to offer on the internet, it just proves once again people are willing to pay to learn. The main topic of learning on this website is software based things like web design or how to boost your web performance scores for your website and speed up your page load speeds for example, all of which are valuable information that people don't mind paying for.
They have a subscription type membership which allows you access to a huge amount of knowledge and training, this subscription earns the majority of their income.
#8 Gizmodo earnings of around £270,000 per month
Gizmodo are earning huge amounts from adverts on their home page because their blog is based around popular topics mostly about technology, science and culture but if you have a quick look at their home page you will notice its constantly changing it could almost be described as a news website. They keep their content very fresh and updated and they cover a huge array of topics from NASA to Anime or what's popular on Netflix at the moment. Notice also the homepage is not completely covered in ads they are very precise with ad placements which isn't to in your face.
#7 Perez Hilton £490,000 per month
Perez Hilton is a celebrity gossip website or your could say THE celeb gossip site they pride their selves on being the first to have all the latest celeb gossip as soon as possible, you can go on the website and check how all the celebs relationships are going and whos recently split up whos had a fight and whos getting back together which a lot of people find very interesting. Again like most news or gossip websites they make money from adverts because they don't really have anything to sell as most of the content is freely available on the internet they cant charge you for celeb gossip but they can easily make advert income from the huge numbers of website traffic.
#6 Copy Blogger earn around £870,000 per month
Copy Blogger is an excellent website for learning how to blog, the website has plenty of successful writers and blog makers that have proven themselves at being some of the best at what they do. They are willing to offer their own knowledge and expertise to help people get better at writing blogs or improving traffic to their website using search engine optimization or just taking full advantage of all social media platforms to build traffic streams but that's not all the website offers the list of helpful content is huge and that reflects in their monthly income.
#5 tech crunch earnings of £1,300,000 per month
tech crunch is another news based website or blog with their primary focus being based on the technology industry and the stock market they also focus on new startups. It is a very smart and well designed website, usual news topics on tech crunch they commonly cover what highly influential people say about the stock market for example if warren buffet says something that has some sway on the stock market you can guarantee tech crunch will be one of the first to report it. Its the speed and consistency that keeps users coming back to the website for good fast info on all tech matters and stock market news.
#4 Mashable monthly earnings of £1,600,000
Mashable another popular news and gossip based website with ever changing content keeping up to date with all the interesting goings on in the world and covering all social media platforms. It is a hugely successful blog and rightly so considering how much work goes in to these kinds of blogs its not like they can right the blog and leave it alone to make money these kinds of blogs have to be edited constantly none stop to keep them up to date. The reward for all the hard work is huge amounts of website traffic making huge amounts of money from advertising. Mashable focuses on digital culture, social media and science but also has topics covering hundreds of other areas they have it all covered.
#3 Moz earns around £3,300,000 monthly
So now we are getting into crazy money territory imagine owning a website or blog that earns over 3 million pounds per month. The reason Moz earns so much money is because they focus on helping companies improve their search engine optimization or SEO for short and if you didn't already know this is the method people use to get their websites or blogs to the very top of google, Bing or yahoo search engines. See if you have a website that sells phone cases but your websites on page 4 of google that means when someone types in phone cases on google they have to scroll past 30+ other websites selling similar products before they see yours. That's because the other websites have better SEO skills to get to page 1 of google, so you can imagine how valuable SEO is to businesses and bloggers.
#2 Engadget earns around £4,100,000 monthly
Engadget is an insanely successful website based mostly on technology they offer reviews of certain gadgets and they also keep their users up to date with all the latest tech news, they offer all sorts of advice around technology and gadgets and earn the vast majority of their income from advertising on the website and all sorts of deals they have with tech companies for affiliate marketing. They are also one of the first websites to release news of any recent sales or discounts on amazon or other large tech selling sites.
#1 Huffington post £11,700,000 per month !!
Huffington post are estimated to be earning around 11.7 million every single month which is absolutely incredible us armature bloggers could only dream of such a fortune. The political based website was made around 17 years ago and has grown in to something that nobody really expected the website traffic figures are off the charts and it has a huge number of followers and dedicated users. The website is not solely based on politics though they cover a wide range of topics including entertainment for example you will go from 1 article about trumps leaked files to the next article which might be 10 most shocking moments at the music awards. They know what people want to read about and they have something for everyone and because of that they can easily make an absolute fortune in advertising revenues. That completes the list for blogs that earn good money thanks for reading. :-)