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How to stop bad breath
A guide on treating bad breath
Bad breath can have many causes and can destroy your confidence but there are plenty of way to keep bad breath away all day long, but you have to be consistent to win the war against bad breath. We will start with the obvious and move on to some tips you might not have heard about.
Brushing teeth before bed is not optional
Alot of people will brush their teeth in the morning but when it comes to night time they will often be too tired and will skip the most important brushing of the day. If you do not brush before bed this means the smelly plaque and bacteria that have been building up all day now have another 8 hours to sit in your mouth surrounding your teeth and tongue causing excessive amounts of bad odor. Thats not the worst part, the starch and sugars that are in your mouth now have a full night to decay you tooth enamel and cause cavities which will both increase bad breath.
If you ever skip your night time teeth brushing routine, you are going to have a very difficult time fighting bad breath. Giving all the smelly odors a full night to fester in your mouth and then expecting them to all disappear with a single brush in the morning is a bad idea. Skipping the evening toothbrushing will do far more damage than just bad breath withing a few years the dental issues will worsen, and you will have tooth decay problems as well as cavities appearing.
Bad breath might not be caused by teeth
Sometimes your bad breath is caused by your throat rather than your teeth, this could be for a number of reasons most common reasons are a buildup of hardened material at the back of your throat known as tonsil stones. Whatever the reason for your smelly throat there are a couple of things you can do each time you brush your teeth to also clean your throat of odors. Firstly, and most commonly you can gargle with salt water to help dislodge tonsil stones and at the same time clean your throat.
One of the lesser-known tricks to stop the bad breath from tonsil stones is lemon juice, lemon neutralizes odors. If you were to buy any lemon juice from the supermarket and add a little bit to your salt water when you gargle it will act as a powerful odor neutralizer for a good few hours. It would work even better if you were to add some lemon juice to your water and drink it throughout the day, just as we use deodorant for under our arms the lemon juice will be deodorizing your mouth and throat throughout the day.
Best tooth paste for bad breath
Don't just buy any old toothpaste do your research about good toothpastes, not all toothpaste is created equally. The problem with toothpastes is that as long as they meet the guidelines set by government they are allowed to be sold as toothpaste but that doesn't mean they are all good enough for neutralizing bad breath. The quality of the toothpaste is vital for fighting bad breath so try a number of toothpastes find one that works well for you and stock up as they usually have la very long shelf life. One of the best cheap toothpastes for bad breath we have put a link to below its available on amazon.
brush after meals if possible or eat apples instead
If it is possible for you to take your toothbrush with you to work and brush your teeth after eating then it would be the perfect way to freshen up your breath at work. The ideal number of times to brush per day is 3 to 4 times a day but obviously it is not always practical to do so. Brushing after each meal gives odors almost 0% chance of forming in the first place even if your bad breath is caused by a bad tooth or tonsil stones brushing your teeth after each meal will help massively with improving overall oral health and you can also gargle with lemon juice and salt water to get that extra odor neutralizing boost.
For a lot of people it may not be possible to brush or gargle at work so the next best option is to take at least 2 small apples with you every single day. Apples are natures toothbrushes there is something very special about the texture of apples that are perfectly formed almost as if they are designed to clean our teeth. Whatever you eat for your breakfast and lunch at work be sure to end each meal with an apple to clean your teeth after eating.
Invest in a good toothbrush
Buy the best possible toothbrush you can afford and make sure it is an electric toothbrush as they are far better at removing plaque and smelly stuff from teeth and gums than any manual toothbrush. Even if you can only afford a £20 electric toothbrush you will notice within a couple of days you have fresher breath for much longer periods after brushing than you would when using manual toothbrushes. We will leave a link to a good cheap electric toothbrush on amazon with very good reviews for the price it costs £25 and is made by oral B.