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Facts about tomatoes

Do tomatoes cause inflammation?

Tomatoes do not cause inflammation, it is a common misconception that tomatoes cause inflammation in the body. Tomatoes belong to the nightshade family also known as solanaceous vegetables which have been talked about as inflammation causing vegetables but as far as scientists can tell from the research there are no links between these fruits and vegetables causing inflammation in the body.

It is also a myth that tomatoes and other nightshade fruit and veg cause arthritis pains to worsen, there is no evidence to show an increase in arthritis pain from eating solanaceous vegetables or fruit and veg from the nightshade family.

Is tomato juice good for you?

Yes tomato juice is very good for you and has many health benefits, tomato juice contains many minerals and vitamins including high levels of vitamin B and C. Consuming tomato juice has anti-aging effects on the body and skin as it is very high in anti-oxidants which help to fight free radicals as well as helping to prevent heart disease, inflammation and even some types of cancer.

The best tomato juice is freshly made tomato juice made at home, if you want to buy the tomato juice from the supermarket be sure to buy tomato juice with no added salt and sugar especially if you are hoping to reap the health benefits of drinking tomato juice regularly.  

Do tomatoes lower testosterone levels?

No tomatoes do not lower testosterone levels, in fact tomatoes could help to increase testosterone levels and help to prevent low testosterone levels. Foods that are very high in vitamin C, antioxidants and lycopene can increase the health of sperm and improve the body's ability to produce testosterone. Tomatoes are one of the best fruits to promote testosterone production in men and to help create healthy sperm. 

Do tomatoes cause gas and diarrhea?

Tomatoes are acidic which can stimulate the production of stomach acids making them hard to digest for some people, this can cause gas and bloating but should not cause diarrhea unless you have a tomato intolerance. Removing the skins from tomatoes will make them easier to digest and will reduce any gas and bloating.

Tomatoes not ripening?

If your tomatoes are not ripening this is usually caused by the tomatoes not being kept at the correct temperatures or not receiving the correct amount of light. Tomatoes do not like temperatures above 25°C or below 15°C. It is also important not to over or under water the tomato plant and keep a check on the PH levels in your growing medium or soil.

Do tomatoes protect against sunburn?

Yes, tomatoes prevent sunburn and help to heal sunburn due to the high level of carotenoids and other phytochemicals contained in the tomato fruit. Tomato can also be used topically to sooth sunburnt skin it is usually mixed with buttermilk or aloe vera lotion. 

Do tomatoes help constipation?

Tomatoes can help soften poop and are sometimes referred to as the laxative fruit. The highly acid levels in tomato as well as the fiber and water work together to soften the stool and can prevent constipation. Store bought laxatives can be very harsh on your stomach so tomatoes can be used as a gentle laxative and stool softener.

Do tomatoes help you sleep?

Tomatoes can help you sleep because they contain a good amount of melatonin which is the chemical your brain produces to make you sleep. Red tomatoes also contain lycopene a very important mineral to help induce good quality sleep. Cherries are also high in melatonin great for helping you get a good night's sleep.

Are tomatoes with green or black seeds edible?

Yes, tomatoes with green or black seeds are perfectly ok to eat and its fine if the inside the tomatoes are a little green too. The tomatoes are not safe to eat if they have mushy wrinkly skin and flesh, also look out for a bad smell the tomatoes should smell fresh and be firm to the touch when lightly squeezed.

Are tomatoes high in potassium?

Tomatoes are a very good source of potassium, one medium tomato has almost 300mg of potassium. Potassium is essential to our health and supports normal blood pressure, it also helps to maintain the correct amount of fluid in our cells. potassium also plays an important role in producing good signals from our nerves and helping muscles contract correctly.

Can you eat tomatoes while pregnant?

It is perfectly ok for pregnant or breastfeeding women to eat tomatoes in normal amounts. Tomatoes are full of vitamin C and antioxidants as well as providing multiple health benefits for the body and skin. As long as you have no intolerances or digestive issues with tomatoes then there is no reason pregnant or breastfeeding women shouldn't eat tomatoes.

Can you eat tomatoes while on keto diet.

Tomatoes are ok to eat while on keto diets and diets which require low carb intakes as 100 grams of tomatoes typically contain around 4 grams of carbohydrates. They are a very good source of nutrition and great for most diets and weight loss programs as they contain plenty of vitamins and nutrients while being very low in calories.

Do tomatoes contain sugar?

Tomatoes contain a very small amount of sugar which are of course naturally occurring sugars, tomatoes are only around 3% sugar, and these sugars are released slowly in our bodies making tomatoes a low glycemic food good people who suffer from diabetes.

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