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Facts about strawberries

Why do strawberries smell bad?

If your strawberries smell bad it could be one of two reasons, number one the strawberries could be rotting or molding even though they may look okay. Reason number two is they need a good wash because they may smell of the fertilizers they were grown in. Always wash all of your fruit and if they still smell bad it might be best to not risk a biting into the strawberry.

Why do strawberries have hairs?

The hairs on strawberries are called sporangiophores it is just a stalk that contains a fungus but its not something you should be worried about. Humans are capable of digesting many types of fungus that are completely harmless to us and the little hairs on strawberries are fine to eat. Most hairs on strawberries get washed off if you wash your fruit before eating it.

Are strawberries classed as berries ?

Strawberries are not berries because the word berry describes a fruit that spawns from a single ovary of a flower. Strawberries actually come from a flower with multiple ovaries meaning strawberries are not berries they are what is knows as an aggregate fruit just like raspberries. You may be surprised to know that bananas are berries along with pumpkins and even cucumbers. 

Do strawberries ripen after picking?

No once a strawberry has been picked it will not ripen any further. If the strawberry does not look ripe it should not be picked, a ripe strawberry should be shiny bright red and have no white tips or tops. It is also good to see very bright green leafage on top of the strawberries, if the leaves on your strawberries are dark green they may be over watered and under oxygenated.  

How much sun do strawberries need?

Do strawberries need full sun ? Yes in an ideal world strawberries will usually grow better in full sun growing conditions. At least 6 hours of direct sun per day  for strawberries to grow at their optimum rate. It is also possible your strawberries can be sun burnt if the temperature is very high although this is very rare in Europe.

Are strawberries acidic?

Strawberries are an acidic fruit with an average PH of around 3.5 but they are not overly acidic and the older and more mature the strawberries become the acidity of the strawberry reduces.

How to get the sweetest strawberries at the supermarket?

The best ways to find the best tasting sweetest strawberries at the supermarket is to first of all look at the type of strawberry if it is stated on the packaging. You will want alpine or diamante strawberries at the very least you can settle for Honeoye or sparkle strawberries. Secondly you want small to medium sized strawberries with shiny red exterior and light bright green leafage. If you want the strawberries with the best flavour never buy dark dull strawberries and avoid extra large strawberries as tempted as they look they very rarely are as sweet as smaller strawberries.

Do strawberries whiten teeth ?

Are strawberries any good for whitening teeth ? The answer is yes in fact its becoming a more popular practice to use crushed strawberries mixed with baking soda as a tooth polish. The reason why strawberries make your teeth whiter is because of whitening enzyme called malic acid, it works as a natural polish and removes discoloration from the surface of the teeth.

Do strawberries make you poop?

Strawberries can help with constipation and can gently promote bowel movements so yes strawberries can help you poop. The fibers in strawberries contain insoluble fibers that help food move through your digestive system more easily.

What's the deal with Wimbledon and strawberries ?

So why are strawberries and cream so closely associated to Wimbledon, Well Wimbledon would always take place during the peak of the British strawberry season and strawberries were always such fashionable fruit in Britain the two just seemed to be perfectly made for each other. 

Why do strawberry leaves turn red?

If your strawberries leaves are turning red the leaves are either dying of old age or they have a fungal infection causing the leaves to die. If the leaves on your strawberries are only a little red just keep an eye on them but if the strawberries leaves are completely red they may be serving no purpose and can be removed.

How to stop strawberry leaves going red?

Strawberry leaves turning red can often be avoided by making sure the PH level of the soil is at the correct levels. Strawberries like a PH soil level of around 7 and the leaves will likely turn red if the soil PH varies too much from this level.

Do strawberries make you fat?

No strawberries definitely do NOT make you fat, in fact the opposite is true strawberries are a great part of any diet and can be a good snack to help lose weight because they are full of fiber and much lower in calories than you may think. A normal biscuit or cookie has around 70 to 100 calories and 1 large strawberry has only 6 calories which means 10 large strawberries is less calories than 1 biscuit.

Do strawberries attract bees?

Bees do like strawberry plants and will usually pollinate the flowers quite effectively. Strawberry plants are best pollinated  by wind, bees, hover flies and butterflies among other insects.

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