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Facts about germs

Why do germs make us sick?

So how do germs make humans ill ? well when germs get inside our bodies they have an objective to survive for as long as they possibly can inside our bodies they are simple organisms with the basic goal of survival. For germs to stay alive in our body they need food and they get that from the nutrients inside the human they then create or excrete proteins that act like poisons and toxins in our bodies. 


Its those poisons and toxins created by the germs that can make you sick and feel unwell, germ toxins are capable of making us feel symptoms such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea, coughs and cold symptoms even if you don't have a cold virus as such. Germs can even cause rashes and breakouts on our skin. 


The word germ or germs is a broad term used to describe microorganisms which may be capable of causing disease or sickness.

Why do germs exist? what's the point of germs?

Germs, bacteria and viruses are alive and like any living creature they do what they have to do to survive. One of the main things that germs, Bacteria and Viruses are good for is decomposing dead material, life on earth could not exist without germs and bacteria they are very important for recycling all dead materials.


A good example of why germs, bacteria and viruses are so very important is when something dies like a tree in the forest its germs that turn that wood into dead wood and eventually turning it into soil for new trees to grow. Germs are a vital part of the planets ability to recycle dead materials into new life. 

Do germs spread more in hot or cold ?

Germs, bacteria and viruses spread more in warm conditions, in general warm conditions are like an incubator for germs and bacteria they are able to reproduce at a faster rate in warm conditions. The opposite is true for cold conditions very cold air kills SOME germs or at least slows their ability to multiply and reproduce.


 Not all germs or viruses can be killed with cold are a lot of viruses are strong enough and have evolved enough to thrive in winter hence the efficiency of cold and flu viruses during the colder months.

How Do germs spread, multiply and reproduce?

Germs, bacteria and viruses multiply, spread and reproduce using a method we  call binary fission, in this process one cell of the bacteria divides into to daughter cells which are identical to each other.

So basically one germ is able to reproduce a twin of itself all it needs is time, moisture and food and a habitat as long as bacteria and germs have enough time in these conditions they are capable of multiplying. 


Some bacteria need specific temperatures to multiply this is why we have to be so careful when cooking things like chicken or all poultry for that matter, raw chicken is more likely to develop bacteria in warm conditions than if the chicken is in hot or cold conditions. Salmonella is a bacteria that thrives in warm conditions and can be killed by extreme heat when we cook it.

how do germs enter the body?

Germs usually get into our bodies through our mouth, nose, eyes or through open wounds ands bites that create a path into the body that bacteria and germs can easily enter without having to get through skin which is virtually impossible for germs to pass through skin although germs can enter through the urethrae or the digestive track also knows as your bum hole.  

which germs  or bacteria causes cholera?

Cholera is an acute diarrheal illness caused by an infection of the intestines with the Vibrio cholerae bacteria which can come from food and drink on some occasions the infection is life threatening but often passes without many symptoms for healthy humans.

Do germs and bacteria have legs? can they walk?

Yes some germs and bacteria have legs and can actually stand up and walk around upright, Some germs have protein based legs researchers say help the microbes to pull themselves along a surface.

where do germs exist and are all germs bad for you?

Germs are everywhere in the air on the floor on our skin but not all germs are bad for us some are completely harmless and exist on our skin without causing and sickness or illness so not all germs and bacteria are bad for you.

Do germs die or do germs live for ever ?

most germs die within 24 to 48 hours without a host although some forms of bacteria have a lifespan of millions of years given the right conditions so the variation is rather large. 

How to kill germs ?

The best way to kill germs and bacteria is disinfectants and sanitizers, they break down the tough exterior of the germs and bacteria to get to the squishy inside and kill them almost instantly upon contact. The best sanitizers and disinfectants for killing germs and bacteria usually contain alcohol, bleach, and/or hydrogen peroxide.

is bacteria prokaryotic or eukaryotic?

All germs and bacteria are prokaryotic this is because they do not have the true membrane-bound nucleus that eukaryotes do. Almost all prokaryotes are very small tiny single celled organisms that have a very simple cell structure and are one of the oldest things on the planet. 

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