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Facts about ducks
Why are ducks called ducks?
The reason ducks are called ducks is because they are ducks, just kidding its because the old English for the word diver was Duce and it means to get down low or to get under something which is exactly what ducks do to retrieve the food from the floor of the pond, lake or canal.
why do ducks waddle and walk funny?
The reason ducks waddle and walk funny is because their legs are so far back on their bodies, the reason they have evolved this way is because to move themselves forward quickly in the water its far more beneficial to have your legs further back like the motor on a speed boat. The leg position gives them a speed boost in the water and a wonderful waddle on land so everyone's a winner.
why do ducks have feathers
The main reason ducks have feathers is for protection from wind chill and to help them fly as its harder to fly without feathers, naked ducks are bad fliers. feathers also protect birds and ducks from bugs that bits, they still get pests and bugs that bite them but its more difficult to get to their skin as the bugs have to get past the feathers to bite them.
why do ducks and birds stand on one leg ?
The reason ducks and birds stand on 1 leg is to regulate body temperature and reduce heat loss in cold weather but they sometimes do it in warm weather too but less often. This is to reduce tiredness its a way for birds to rest 1one leg at a time although someone should tell them if they sit down they can actually rest both legs but where is DR Doolittle when you need him.
why do ducks wag their tales and shake their bum?
The same reason humans shake their bum... to attract a mate although its the male ducks that shake their tale feathers to attract a female. Female duck sometime wag their tales in response to male ducks to show an interest.
why do ducks bob their head and flap their wings?
Again these actions are mating and breeding interactions between ducks its part of their courtship that ducks will bob their heads, flap their wings whiles wagging their tales and shouting loudly at each other very similar to married couples in fact the shouting part at least.
why do ducks quack?
Ducks quack because they are very social birds and they get lonely, ducks also quack to tell other ducks about possible food sources or dangers to the ducks. Another reason ducks quack is for courting and mating purposes as well as quacking to communicate excitement or fear among other emotions but scientists need to do more research on what quacks mean what exactly as you can imagine that is a very difficult thing to work out how duck communicate.
why do ducks walk in a line ?
Its very common to see a family of ducks walking in a big line rather than in a bunch or group, this is because the more experienced duck leads the family and the more vulnerable less experienced duck follow in the parents foot steps. This protects the ducks from predators and allows the lead duck to assess any dangers in front and react accordingly to protect the younger ducks.
how long do ducks live?
How many years ducks live depends on there location and their stress levels but in a good environment with low stress they can live for around 20 years. How long ducks live also depends on the species as general rule smaller ducks live shorter lives but that's not an exact science but you will commonly find larger duck live longer on average than smaller duck species.
Also as with most animals if they are kept as pets and well cared for you can add a few years on to the ducks life expectancy.
what do ducks like to eat?
A ducks diet depends on what's available they are opportunists when it comes to food and are typically omnivores usually ducks will eat insects, fish, seeds, fruit and a bit of bread when humans are around of course not that its very good for them because of the salt but when food is in short supply the ducks are happy to eat the soggy salt loaf.
are ducks dinosaurs or birds?
This question causes some debate in the science community but its safe to say ducks are birds that are related to dinosaurs and relatives of ducks existed 65 million years ago so yes ducks and birds lived alongside dinosaurs and are from the theropod family of dinosaurs.
Do ducks or birds have teeth?
There are no ducks or birds that have teeth alive today, the beaks and bills of ducks and birds can be very tough and can really hurt if they bite you. They are able to break up food by grabbing it in their beaks or bills and shaking their head to break bits of food off small enough to swallow.
Are ducks good pets?
Do ducks make good pets? well yes if you have the right environment with no hungry cats and foxes able to get to them ducks can be great pets and live longer than some dogs too. Ducks can become very attached to their owners though so make sure you have the time to care for them as they are sociable and will want a lot of attention.