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Facts about bread

Why does bread get a bad name ?

Bread is not bad for you if its whole meal made from whole grain flour. Bread is bad for you if it is made from white flour, this flour is bleached to make it white and because white flour is highly processed it is stripped of almost all the good nutrition that it began with. White bread is full of additives and artificially enriched with vitamins in an attempt to bring some nutrition back to the bread. 

White bread is high in sugar and salt and low in nutrition so your eating a bleached, highly processed, artificially enriched slice of sugary salty that will help you along your way to diabetes and heart disease. 

Real whole meal bread is good for you

Bread is good for you when its made from whole meal flour, Whole meal bread is rich in vitamins B1, B3, B5 , B6 as well as vitamin K, iron, magnesium, calcium, fiber, proteins, zinc, niacin, folate, copper, potassium and even contains polyunsaturated fatty acids. Whole meal flour is naturally lower in sugar and fat and full of nutrition so as long as you do not have any intolerance or allergy towards bread then whole meal bread is good you.

Can vegans eat bread?

Bread is vegan friendly and can be eaten by vegans, some breads may contain extra ingredients that may not be vegan so check the ingredients. Breads that are using basic ingredients are fine for vegans, flour, water, yeast, and salt is all that is required to make a basic bread which is ok for a vegan. Highly processed breads can contain a bunch of additives and sweeteners which would require you researching the origins of the ingredients to be sure they are not sourced from animal origins.

Is bread dairy free?

Yes all normal bread is dairy free and vegan friendly until you start to change the recipe for example milk loaf will be an obvious bread that is not vegan and dairy free. Bread in its natural form is dairy free there is no dairy in flour, water, yeast and salt. Be careful with mass produced breads as you never know what kind of preservatives and additives are used to improve shelf life. If you are wanting to make sure your bread is dairy free go for basic whole meal breads read the ingredients carefully research any extra ingredients.

Does bread make you fat ?

Bread does not make you gain weight in fact whole meal breads can help you lose weight and is great for dieting. A slice of whole meal bread with no added sugar is around 60 calories per slice so even if you eat 10 slices of bread you will have only eaten 600 calories, about the same as a portion of fries from a fast food restaurant.

Half a tin of beans and 3 slices of whole meal toasted bread will be around 400 calories meaning you could have that meal 5 times per day without exceeding your daily adult calorie intake. We advise you to vary your meals of course this is just an example.

Is bread bad for ducks?

Ducks get a lot more nutrition from their normal foraging diet than what bread can offer them especially white bread. The problem is when we feed them white bread its full of fiber which fills them up but it is lacking nutrition, so the duck is full meaning he/she is lacking nutrition but no longer hungry so the duck will stop foraging for food.

If you are going to give ducks bread it has to be whole meal so it at least has nutritional value and it should only be small amounts. If you feed ducks white bread you fill them with sugar, salt and fiber and very little nutrition.

Does bread last longer in the fridge?

The question of should you refrigerate bread has sparked debate for years, the science would suggest bread kept in the fridge could go moldy even sooner because it promotes crystallization in the starch molecules causing it to go stale faster. On the other side there are foodies and chefs that are adamant bread can be kept fresher for longer in the fridge. Some say you can add 10 days to your breads shelf life if kept in the fridge so what do we think?

Well the best place to store bread is in a cool dark cupboard or bread bin and if you want to prolong the life of your loaf further just take half the loaf put into a sandwich bag and freeze your bread. When your running low on bread take your frozen bread out it will defrost in a couple of hours or use a microwave on very low power to defrost it in minutes.

which bread is best for diabetics?

The best dread for diabetics is whole grain and 100% whole wheat bread with no added sugars. White bread is not a good choice for people with diabetes because it usually contains added sugar and very little nutrition. People with diabetes can also eat sourdough and soda bread provided there's no added sugars the same goes for Rye bread, barley bread and oat breads.

which bread is best for gout?

White bread is the best choice for gout sufferers because it is low in purines. It is not advisable to eat large amounts of white bread as it might be ok for people with gout but it is not great for your overall health because of the low nutritional content and high level of additives, salt and sugar. White bread is on the list of foods with a high glycemic index that can help in reducing uric acid levels which is good for preventing gout.

Does bread have gluten?

Bread contains large amounts of gluten, any food product made with wheat and wheat flour will contain gluten. Only bread labelled gluten-free do not contain wheat or gluten. All sorts of  food products are made using wheat and contain large amounts of gluten, most cakes, biscuits, Yorkshire puddings, gravies and crackers contain wheat and gluten.

Why does bread cause heartburn?

Bread can cause heart burn and indigestion because it is high in carbohydrates and gluten which in some people can cause acid reflux especially if you have an intolerance to gluten or wheat. Studies have shown diets that are very high in carbohydrates can aggravate stomach acids causing heartburn symptoms.

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