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Do herbs count as vegetables ?

Are herbs vegetables and do herbs count towards our 5 a day?

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Some herbs are classed as vegetables and some vegetables are classed as herbs so what that tells us for the most part is that yes if we consume enough herbs in our diet we can count it towards our vegetable intake because a lot of herbs are almost the same as vegetables physically, biochemically and nutritionally.

Herbs are their own category in general we use them to flavor our food rather than to be one of our main sources of nutrition, herbs such as dill in some indian dishes take center stage and become one of the main parts of the meal in these cases we could say the herb is the same as a vegetable as its providing very similar nutrition as a vegetable and contains similar amounts of fiber as some vegetables.

When you ask are herbs considered vegetables or are vegetables and herbs the same you have to remember that even 2 vegetables can have vastly different nutritional benefits so keeping that in mind there is no reason why 500 grams of coriander cant be equal to 500 grams of lettuce as one of our 5 a day although they differ in vitamins and fiber both herbs and vegetables are full of nutrition and health benefits.

To summarize herbs are the same as vegetables nutritionally in some cases depending on how you use them in your dish, also worth mentioning a lot of spices and herbs may start life is vegetables and once dried and ground may then be considered as spices or herbs. A good example are bell peppers / capsicums start life as vegetables but dry it out and grind it down and we have paprika a spice.

An example of when a herb is the same as a vegetable is celery, in the Mediterranean is used often as a herb for its aromatic flavors but in other parts of the world Celery is usually eaten and cooked as a vegetable.

If you want to use herbs as part of your diet and your looking for the most nutritious herbs you should try to include sage as its high in vitamin K among other vitamins and nutrients sage is 1 of the most nutritious herbs you can eat. Parsley is another herb with the most health benefits considering just half a cup of parsley contains over 500% of your recommended daily intake of vitamin k as well as other vitamins like vitamins A, B and C. 

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